Susu Nestle Carnation merupakan susu yang tergolong ekonomis. Kebanyakan di warung-warung kopi lebih dominan dikonsumsi untuk bahan kombinasi jus dan minuman lainnya. Di samping itu Susu Nestle Carnation juga dipakai oleh ibu-ibu sebagai bahan kreasi aneka kue keluarga. Susu ini tidak dianjurkan untuk diberikan untuk bayi karena bukan pengganti Air Susu Ibu (ASI.
Takan saji untuk 4 sendok makan (45g) bisa disajikan dalam 8 kali sajian dalam satu kaleng susu. Dalam sekali minum menghasilkan 150 kkal dan energi dari lemak 45 kkal.
Susu Nestle Carnation is milk that is classified as economically. Mostly in coffee shops for materials consumed more dominant combination of juices and other beverages. In addition, Nestle Carnation Milk is also used by mothers as a family cakes creations. This milk is not recommended to be given to a baby because it is not a substitute for mother's milk.
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Susu Nestle Carnation is milk that is classified as economically. Mostly in coffee shops for materials consumed more dominant combination of juices and other beverages. In addition, Nestle Carnation Milk is also used by mothers as a family cakes creations. This milk is not recommended to be given to a baby because it is not a substitute for mother's milk.
Net Weight: 380 grams
License BPOM RI MD 507413409001
Produced by: PT. Nestle Indonesia, Kejayan, Pasunruan 67172, Indonesia
Under license: Societe des Produits Nestle SA Vevey Switzerland
Information Nutritional Values
- (Lemak Total) Total fat 5.0 grams
- (Lemak Jenuh) Saturated Fat 2.5 grams
- Protein 1 gram
- (Total Karbohidrat) Carbohydrates 26 grams
- (Gula) Sugar 22 grams
- Sodium 60 mg
- Vitamin A
- Vitamin B1
- Vitamin D
- Calcium
- (Fosfor) phosphorus
Composition :
- Gula (Sugar)
- Air (Water)
- Minyak Nabati (Vegetable Oil)
- Bubuk Whey (Whey Powder)
- Susu Bubuk Skim (Skim Mild Powder)
- Pemantap Nabati (Vegetable Stabilizer)
- Pengatur Keasaman (Acidity Regulator)
- Mineral
- Vitamin
- Mengandung Antioksidan Tokoferol(Containing Antioxidant Tocopherol)
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